Pyro Products Inc.


Three employees were killed in an explosion at the fireworks manufacturing plant where they worked. In the building where they were working, fireworks were primarily being dried, but the building was also being used to wrap fireworks and add the lifting charge that gives them force to rise up and be detonated, and being used as storage for approximately 4,000-5,000 uncompleted fireworks. On occasions prior to the explosion, employees had warned Godin that the large quantities of uncomplete fireworks being stored was possibly dangerous and was limiting the ability of employees to move about and work. The explosion injured several employees and killed three, whose bodies were found outside of the building. The manufacturing compound was almost completely devastated.

Assistant District Attorney Helen M. Doona
Incident Type: Fire/ Explosion
County: Bridgewater
State: MA
Date: March 30, 1972
Additional Materials
Folder for Pyro Products Inc. materials
Available Case Materials Include:
Case/Court Decisions Media Clips & Gov't. Press
Contact for Additional Information:
First Last Age Title Employer Injury Type
Donna Dumanis 18 Unavailable Pyro Products Fatality
Irene DeSouto 44 Unavailable Pyro Products Fatality
Pearl Rodeheaver 57 Unavailable Pyro Products Fatality
Name Type Title Plea Info. Conviction Sentence
Edmund J. Godin Individual President Unavailable Convicted and sentenced to serve concurrent terms of imprisonment at the Mass. Correctional Institute at Concord. Godin appealed the conviction but it was upheld.
Crimes Charged: Penal Crimes: Involuntary Manslaughter
Other Crimes: None
Edmund J. Godin Individual President Unavailable Convicted and sentenced to serve concurrent terms of imprisonment at the Mass. Correctional Institute at Concord. Godin appealed the conviction but it was upheld.
Crimes Charged: Penal Crimes: Involuntary Manslaughter
Other Crimes: None
Pyro Products Inc. Entity Entity Unavailable The Judge ruled that Pyro Products, Inc. did not have to comply with the fire safety regulations because they had begun operation before the effective date of the statute and were thus exempt from compliance.
Crimes Charged: Penal Crimes: Unavailable
Other Crimes: None