Regulatory Underkill: The Bush Administration's Insidious Dismantling of Public Health and Environmental Protections

Regulatory Underkill: The Bush Administration's Insidious Dismantling of Public Health and Environmental Protections, by William W. Buzbee, Robert L. Glicksman, Sidney A. Shapiro and Karen Sokol. White Paper 503, February 2005.
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Author(s): William Buzbee, Robert Glicksman, Sidney Shapiro, Karen Sokol
A New Progressive Agenda for Public Health and the Environment, a project of the Center for Progressive Regulation.

A New Progressive Agenda for Public Health and the Environment, a project of the Center for Progressive Regulation. A brief summary of policy recommendations from CPR's A New Progressive Agenda for Public Health and the Environment. White Paper 501, January 2005.
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Author(s): Christopher Schroeder, Rena Steinzor
CPR Perspective: The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment

CPR Perspective: 'The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment,' by Bill Funk. CPR's Perspectives Series is a set of monographs by CPR Member Scholars on timely and important health, safety, and environmental topics. Each Perspective provides a thumbnail sketch of the competing arguments concerning a substantive or procedural principle for developing appropriate health, safety and environmental policies, and closes with the Member Scholar-author's proposed approach to the issue.
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Author(s): Bill Funk
The Feasibility Principle

The Feasibility Principle, by David Driesen, first in a series of papers outline alternatives to cost-benefit analysis. White Paper 407, December 2004.
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Author(s): David Driesen
Mercury, Risk, & Justice

Mercury, Risk, & Justice, by Catherine A. O'Neill. White Paper 405, October 2004.
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Author(s): Catherine O'Neill
Regulatory Underkill: The Bush Administration's Insidious Dismantling of Public Health and Environmental Protections

Regulatory Underkill: The Bush Administration's Insidious Dismantling of Public Health and Environmental Protections, by William Buzbee, Robert Glicksman, Sidney Shapiro, and Karen Sokol. White Paper 406, October 2004.
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Author(s): William Buzbee, Robert Glicksman, Sidney Shapiro, Karen Sokol
Stealth Tort Reform: How the Bush Administration's Aggressive Use of the Preemption Doctrine Hurts Consumers

Stealth Tort Reform: How the Bush Administration's Aggressive Use of the Preemption Doctrine Hurts Consumers, by Margaret Giblin. White Paper 403, October 2004.
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Author(s): Margaret Giblin
Enforcing the Clean Water Act in the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of the Public Spotlight (260 kb download), by Clifford Rechtschaffen. White Paper 404, October 2004.

Enforcing the Clean Water Act in the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of the Public Spotlight (260 kb download), by Clifford Rechtschaffen. White Paper 404, October 2004.
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Author(s): Clifford Rechtschaffen
Applying Cost Benefit Analysis to Past Decisions

Applying Cost Benefit Analysis to Past Decisions, by Frank Ackerman, Lisa Heinzerling, and Rachel Massey. White Paper 401, July 2004.
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Author(s): Lisa Heinzerling, Frank Ackerman
Flimsy Firewalls: The Continuing Triumph of Efficiency over Safety in Regulating Mad Cow Disease Risks

Flimsy Firewalls: The Continuing Triumph of Efficiency over Safety in Regulating Mad Cow Disease Risks, by Thomas O. McGarity with Frank Ackerman. White Paper 402, July 2004.
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Author(s): Thomas McGarity, Frank Ackerman