Environment & Energy

Our planet faces unprecedented environmental challenges, threatening ecosystems, species, coastal communities, and all too often, human life itself. Heading the list of threats is climate change, with its promise of drastic environmental, economic, and cultural upheaval. But we also face persistent problems of air and water pollution, toxic wastes, cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and other Great Waters, and protecting natural resources and wildlife.

Central to the environmental health of the nation and the planet is decreasing our dependence on energy derived from burning fossil fuels. Our continued reliance on these sources is literally endangering the planet's ability to sustain life as we know it. Yet many policymakers, with the financial and rhetorical support of energy companies bent on making a profit at the cost of the planet's health, continue to resist desperately needed reforms. Read about CPR’s work protecting the environment in reports, testimony, op-eds and more. Use the search box at right to narrow the list.


Going Too Easy? Maryland's Criminal Enforcement of Water Pollution Laws Protecting the Chesapeake Bay, CPR White Paper 1212, September 2012, by Member Scholar Rena Steinzor and Policy Analyst Aimee Simpson.

Type: Reports (Sept. 21, 2012)
PDF: Going Too Easy? Maryland's Criminal Enforcement of Water Pollution Laws Protecting the Chesapeake Bay, CPR White Paper 1212, September 2012, by Member Scholar Rena Steinzor and Policy Analyst Aimee Simpson.
Author(s): Rena Steinzor, Anne Havemann
Tags: Maryland Chesapeake
Categories: Energy & Environment Energy & Environment

September 24, 2012, Maryland and Federal Authorities Prosecute Water Polluters Too Rarely and Penalties for Convictions Lack Deterrent Punch, CPR Report Says.

September 24, 2012,
Type: News Releases (Sept. 24, 2012)
PDF: September 24, 2012, Maryland and Federal Authorities Prosecute Water Polluters Too Rarely and Penalties for Convictions Lack Deterrent Punch, CPR Report Says.
Categories: Energy & Environment Energy & Environment

Cozying Up: How the Manufacturers of Toxic Chemicals Seek to Co-opt Their Regulators, CPR White Paper 1211, September 2012, by Member Scholar Rena Steinzor and Policy Analyst Wayland Radin.

Type: Reports (Sept. 26, 2012)
PDF: Cozying Up: How the Manufacturers of Toxic Chemicals Seek to Co-opt Their Regulators, CPR White Paper 1211, September 2012, by Member Scholar Rena Steinzor and Policy Analyst Wayland Radin.
Author(s): Rena Steinzor
Tags: chemicals regulatory capture toxics
Categories: Energy & Environment Energy & Environment Regulatory Policy Regulatory Policy

Rena Steinzor's testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the Energy Consumers Relief Act.

Rena Steinzor's April 12, 2013, testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the Energy Consumers Relief Act.

Type: Legislative Testimony (April 12, 2013)
PDF: Rena Steinzor's April 12, 2013 testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the Energy Consumers Relief Act.
Author(s): Rena Steinzor
Categories: Energy & Environment Energy & Environment

Letting Nature Work in the Pacific Northwest: A Manual for Protecting Ecosystem Services Under Existing Law

Type: Reports (April 17, 2013)
PDF: Letting Nature Work in the Pacific Northwest: A Manual for Protecting Ecosystem Services Under Existing Law, CPR White Paper 1304
Author(s): Robert Adler, Robert Glicksman, Dan Rohlf, Robert Verchick, Yee Huang
Tags: public trust
Categories: Energy & Environment Energy & Environment

No Profit in Pollution: A Comparison of Key Chesapeake Bay State Water Pollution Penalty Policies, by CPR Member Scholar Robert Glicksman and CPR Policy Analyst Aimee Simpson, April 2013.

Type: Reports (April 19, 2013)
PDF: No Profit in Pollution: A Comparison of Key Chesapeake Bay State Water Pollution Penalty Policies, CPR Briefing Paper 1305, by CPR Member Scholar Robert Glicksman and CPR Policy Analyst Aimee Simpson, April 2013.
Author(s): Robert Glicksman, Aimee Simpson
Tags: Chesapeake
Categories: Energy & Environment Energy & Environment