Daniel A. Farber is the Sho Sato Professor of Law and Director of the California Center for Law, Energy and the Environment at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law.
Professor Farber’s expertise is in the area of Cost-Benefit Analysis, Climate Change, and Constitutional Law.
Professor Farber has served on the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, as a Law Clerk for Justice John Paul Stevens, United States Supreme Court, as a Law Clerk for Judge Philip W. Tone, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and on the Litigation Committee, AAUP; AAUP Special Committee on Confidentiality in Tenure Review. Professor Farber was also an Associate at the firm Sidley & Austin (Washington DC).
Daniel Farber has written several books on environmental law, including Disasters and the Law, (Aspen Publishers, 2006, with Jim Chen), Eco-Pragmatism: Making Sensible Environmental Decisions in an Uncertain World (University of Chicago Press, 1999), Environmental Law in a Nutshell (West Pub. Co., 1st ed. 1983, 2d ed. 1988; 3d ed. 1992; Japanese translation, 1992; 4th ed. 1995; 5th ed. 2000 with R. Findley), and Environmental Law Cases and Materials (West Pub. Co., 1st ed. 1981, 2d ed. 1985, 3d ed. 1991, 4th ed. 1995, 5th ed. 1999; with 1983, 1988, 1993, and 1997 Supplements; Teacher's Manuals 1992 , 1995 and 1999) with R. Findley, 6th ed. 2003 with R. Findley and J. Freeman; 7th ed. 2006 with J. Freeman and A. Carlson. His recent book publications include Public Choice and Public Law (Economic Approaches to Law), Elgar 2007, and Retained by the People: The ‘Silent’ Ninth Amendment and the Constitutional Rights Americans Don’t Know They Have, Basic Books, 2007, as well as a number of book chapters on constitutional law and judicial decision-making. Professor Farber’s recent articles include Justice Stevens, Habeas Jurisdiction, and the War on Terror, in the U.C. Davis Law Review 2010, Rethinking the Role of Cost-Benefit Analysis in the University of Chicago Law Review 2009, and Adaptation Planning and Climate Impact Assessments: Learning from NEPA’s Flaws, in the Environmental Law Reporter, among many others from a wide range of legal topics.).
Daniel Farber
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley CA
Robert R.M. Verchick holds the Gauthier ~ St. Martin Eminent Scholar Chair in Environmental Law at Loyola University New Orleans, is the Faculty Director of the Center for Environmental Law at Loyola, and is a Senior Fellow in Disaster Resilience Leadership, Tulane University. He is the President of the Center for Progressive Reform.
Verchick is an expert in climate change law, disaster law, and environmental regulation. In 2009 and 2010, he served in the Obama administration as Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In that role he helped develop climate adaptation policy for the EPA and served on President Obama's Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force. In the fall of 2012, he researched climate adaptation policies in India as a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, supported by a Fulbright Award.
His work has appeared in many venues, including the California Law Review, the Southern California Law Review, and the environmental law journals at Harvard, Stanford, and Berkeley. He is an author of three books, including the award-winning, Facing Catastrophe: Environmental Action for a Post-Katrina World (Harvard University Press 2010). Professor Verchick has taught as a visitor at several schools, including Peking University (China) and Aarhus University (Denmark), and has received several teaching awards. He has lectured across the United States, Europe, and Asia
Robert R.M. Verchick
Loyola University New Orleans
New Orleans, LA