
The Feasibility Principle

The Feasibility Principle, by David Driesen, first in a series of papers outline alternatives to cost-benefit analysis. White Paper 407, December 2004.

Type: Reports (Dec. 15, 2004)
PDF: The Feasibility Principle, by David Driesen, first in a series of papers outline alternatives to cost-benefit analysis. White Paper 407, December 2004.
Author(s): David Driesen
Tags: risk assessment cost-benefit
Categories: Regulatory Policy Regulatory Policy

A Return to Common Sense: Protecting Health, Safety, and the Environment Through Pragmatic Regulatory Impact Analysis

A Return to Common Sense: Protecting Health, Safety, and the Environment Through Pragmatic Regulatory Impact Analysis, CPR White Paper 909

Type: Reports (Oct. 27, 2009)
PDF: A Return to Common Sense: Protecting Health, Safety, and the Environment Through Pragmatic Regulatory Impact Analysis
Author(s): Rena Steinzor, Amy Sinden, Sidney Shapiro, James Goodwin
Tags: risk assessment cost-benefit
Categories: Regulatory Policy Regulatory Policy