A Real, Not Faux, Transparency Proposal for Regulatory Science
"No matter how many times the word, 'transparency,' is repeated to characterize" a Trump administration proposal on the use of science in regulation, "its effects would reverse progress," write Rena Steinzor and Wedny Wagner on The Regulatory Review's pages.
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Author(s): Wendy Wagner, Rena Steinzor
New EPA administrator, same menace to the environment
Joel Mintz op-ed in Miami Herald: New EPA administrator, same menace to the environment
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Author(s): Joel Mintz
Kavanaugh may limit environmental protections if confirmed to Supreme Court
Joel Mintz in the South Florida Sun Sentinel: Kavanaugh may limit environmental protections if confirmed to Supreme Court
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Author(s): Joel Mintz
Trump's policies blasting at the foundation of conservation in public land law
Trump's policies blasting at the foundation of conservation in public land law, op-ed by Robert Glicksman
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Author(s): Robert Glicksman
U-Turn on Twin Metals a massive giveaway of irreplaceable public resources
U-Turn on Twin Metals a massive giveaway of irreplaceable public resources, op-ed by Alexandra Klass and Sandra Zellmer
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Author(s): Alexandra Klass, Sandra Zellmer
Pruitt Praised Scalia, But His Actions Sing a Different Tune
Pruitt Praised Scalia, But His Actions Sing a Different Tune, op-ed by William Buzbee
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Author(s): William Buzbee
Deconstructing Regulatory Science
Writing for The Regulatory Review, Rena Steinzor and Wendy Wagner observe that "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt recently opened another front in his battle to redirect the agency away from its mission to protect human health and the environment. This time, he cobbled together a proposed rule that would drastically change how science is considered during the regulatory process."
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Author(s): Wendy Wagner, Rena Steinzor
Joint Letter from 11 CPR Member Scholars to House Judiciary Committee re Concerns with HR 4423, the North Texas Water Supply Security Act of 2017.
Joint Letter from 11 CPR Member Scholars to the Chair and Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee re Concerns with HR 4423, the North Texas Water Supply Security Act of 2017, June 12, 2018.
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Author(s): David Driesen, Alyson Flournoy, Dale Goble, Christine Klein, Mary Lyndon, Thomas McGarity, Joel Mintz, Sidney Shapiro, Robert Verchick
Stopping rules would say when it's time to shift from debating to acting
Stopping rules would say when it's time to shift from debating to acting, op-ed by David Flores
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Author(s): David Flores
Halftime for the Chesapeake Bay
The long-running effort to restore the Chesapeake Bay to health has reached a critical juncture. The current restoration effort known as the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Bay established 2017 as the first of two key deadlines. By then, the state and federal partners were to have in place 60 percent of all projects, practices, and policies needed to reach final pollution reduction targets by 2025.
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Author(s): David Flores, Evan Isaacson