Environment & Energy

Our planet faces unprecedented environmental challenges, threatening ecosystems, species, coastal communities, and all too often, human life itself. Heading the list of threats is climate change, with its promise of drastic environmental, economic, and cultural upheaval. But we also face persistent problems of air and water pollution, toxic wastes, cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and other Great Waters, and protecting natural resources and wildlife.

Central to the environmental health of the nation and the planet is decreasing our dependence on energy derived from burning fossil fuels. Our continued reliance on these sources is literally endangering the planet's ability to sustain life as we know it. Yet many policymakers, with the financial and rhetorical support of energy companies bent on making a profit at the cost of the planet's health, continue to resist desperately needed reforms. Read about CPR’s work protecting the environment in reports, testimony, op-eds and more. Use the search box to narrow the list.

Time for a change of course by Trump on climate

Time for a change of course by Trump on climate, op-ed by Joel Mintz

Type: Op-Eds (May 10, 2017)
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Author(s): Joel Mintz
Trump's plan to dismantle national monuments comes with steep cultural and ecological costs

Trump's plan to dismantle national monuments comes with steep cultural and ecological costs, op-ed by Sandra Zellmer

Type: Op-Eds (May 10, 2017)
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Author(s): Sandra Zellmer
Reaching Higher Ground: Avenues to Secure and Manage New Land for Communities Displaced by Climate Change

Reaching Higher Ground: Avenues to Secure and Manage New Land for Communities Displaced by Climate Change, CPR Paper 1703, by CPR Member Scholars Maxine Burkett and Robert Verchick, and CPR Policy Analyst David Flores, May 2017.

Type: Reports (May 1, 2017)
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Author(s): Maxine Burkett, Robert Verchick, David Flores
Bill Would Weaken Neighbors' Ability to Be Compensated in Hog Farm Lawsuits

Bill Would Weaken Neighbors' Ability to Be Compensated in Hog Farm Lawsuits, op-ed by Sidney Shapiro and Vanessa Zboreak

Type: Op-Eds (April 3, 2017)
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Author(s): Sidney Shapiro
Trump Can Order, But Federal Judges Will Decide on Climate Rules

Trump Can Order, But Federal Judges Will Decide on Climate Rules, op-ed by Victor Flatt

Type: Op-Eds (April 1, 2017)
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Author(s): Victor Flatt
Regulation Against Lead Under Attack

Regulation Against Lead Under Attack, op-ed by Rena Steinzor

Type: Op-Eds (March 21, 2017)
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Author(s): Rena Steinzor
Clean Power Politics: The Democratization of Energy

The United States has been experiencing an energy transition for over four decades, and now - thanks to the Clean Power Plan of the Obama Administration and the Paris climate agreement - a clean energy future is moving closer to reality. In his 2017 book, Clean Power Politics, Joseph Tomain describes how clean energy policies have been developed and, more importantly, what's necessary for a successful transition to a clean energy future, including technological innovation, new business models, and regulatory reforms.

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Author(s): Joseph Tomain

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