
Letter to leaders of the Maryland House Committee on Economic Matters re requiring state contractors to develop worker safety and health plans.

Letter from Katherine Tracy to leaders of the Maryland House Committee on Economic Matters in support of HB24, re requiring state contractors to develop worker safety and health plans. January 23, 2019.

Type: Legislative Testimony (Jan. 23, 2019)
PDF: Letter from Katherine Tracy to leaders of the Maryland House Committee on Economic Matters in support of HB24, re requiring state contractors to develop worker safety and health plans. January 23, 2019.
Author(s): Katie Tracy
Tags: Maryland worker safety
Categories: Workers' Rights Workers' Rights

Patoka Testimony on Maryland's SB 774, Occupational Safety and Health Prequalification

'Michael Patoka's Testimony on Maryland's SB 774, Occupational Safety and Health Prequalification for construction firms before entering bids for public contracts

Type: Legislative Testimony (Feb. 27, 2014)
PDF: Patoka Testimony on Maryland's SB 774 , Occupational Safety and Health Prequalification
Author(s): Michael Patoka
Tags: Maryland OSHA
Categories: Workers' Rights Workers' Rights