March 7, 2012 by

A New Twist in the <i>Kiobel</i> Case

Last week, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum, the case asking whether corporations can be liable in federal court for violations of international human rights law.  In the decision under review, the Second Circuit – unlike every other circuit court to consider the question – had held that they could never be liable.  So one might think that a logical way for the petitioners to begin their oral argument would be to give an example or two where international law had recognized corporate liability.  And, in fact, Justice “Swing Vote” Kennedy hit the attorney for the petitioners with that very question before he had completed his opening statement. 

It wasn’t a good sign when the attorney didn’t come up with any examples.  (He might have pointed out that after World War II, the Allies broke up IG Farben because of its contributions to Nazi crimes – as Richard Posner noted in his opinion for the Seventh Circuit.)  As a result, a general feeling after the oral argument was that the Supreme Court would probably affirm the Second Circuit by a 5-4 margin, with Kennedy in the majority.

But on Monday, the Court threw a spanner …

March 7, 2012 by Daniel Farber

Cross-posted from Legal Planet.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has upheld a district court ruling that the federal government is liable for damage from the Katrina storm surge that went up the MRGO canal into the city. As I read the opinion, it is limited in three ways. First, it is crucial that MRGO — the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet — was a navigation project, not a flood control project. The government is immune from flooding caused by a flood control project. Second, the specific negligent action, failure to shore up the sides of the channel, was primarily related to protecting the canal itself rather than to flood control. And third, failure to shore up the sides was not a policy decision, but was based on careless science that led the Corps of Engineers to conclude that there was no risk of harm from …

March 6, 2012 by Ben Somberg

On November 7 of last year, EPA sent the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) a rather important proposed rule – one that will, in some way, limit greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants.  The Greenhouse Gas New Source Performance Standard for Electric Generating Units for New Sources has now been at OIRA for 120 days – the maximum allowed by Executive Order.

Executive Order 12866 is pretty clear on the deadline for OIRA to return rules to the agencies:

“… within 90 calendar days after the date of submission …  The review process may be extended (1) once by no more than 30 calendar days upon the written approval of the Director and (2) at the request of the agency head.”

With this rule, as with many rules that go beyond 90 days, neither OIRA nor the agency has issued any public notification announcing that a …

March 5, 2012 by Robert Verchick

The BP Oil Spill case settled! Well, part of it. The smaller part. But, still, we must count this a victory for U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier, whose reported 72 million pages of assigned reading will inevitably be shaved down. (Does this man have an iPad?)

On Friday evening the court announced that BP had reached a settlement with the steering committee that represents thousands of private plaintiffs in the case. Judge Barbier postponed the trial indefinitely while the remaining parties, including the federal government, regroup. According to news reports, the settlement would cover claims for economic loss and medical harm.  BP estimated that the settlement, which has no firm cap, might total $7.8 billion; the actual number would depend on how many plaintiffs accept the deal and how much they’re ultimately paid. Plaintiffs displeased with the offer could opt out and stay in …

March 2, 2012 by Rena Steinzor

The toll:  An estimated 6,500 to 17,967 premature deaths, 9,867 non-fatal heart attacks, 3,947 cases of chronic bronchitis, and more than 2.3 million lost work and school days. That's just a partial tally of the costs Americans will bear because of unjustified delays in two critical health and safety regulations.  More broadly, the Administration’s Fall 2011 Regulatory Agenda—released late, at the end of January of 2012—shows how many of the most important rules currently in the regulatory pipeline are being similarly delayed, leaving people and the environment inadequately protected against a number of unreasonable risks, possibly for years to come.

Working from the latest regulatory agenda, a new CPR Issue Alert assesses the Obama Administration’s progress in completing 12 key regulatory actions identified in a CPR white paper issued last April. A group of CPR Member Scholars …

More on CPR's Work & Scholars.
March 28, 2012

Greenhouse Gas Standards for New Power Plants: Glass Half-Full and Half-Empty

March 26, 2012

Court Skeptical of EPA's Section 404 Role Overturns Mine Veto

March 24, 2012

After Sackett: What Next for Administrative Compliance Orders?

March 21, 2012

SCOTUS Decision in Sackett v. EPA Weakens Government's Ability to Respond to Urgent Threats to Water Quality

March 20, 2012

Limiting the Rights of Medical Malpractice Victims: House GOP Leaders Make a Bad Idea Worse

March 20, 2012

Obama Administration's Latest Sop to the Anti-Regulatory Crowd: Buying the Cumulative Burden Pitch

March 19, 2012

The Regulatory Freeze Bill: Cynical Political Posturing That Would Harm the Economy