Womens Day
March 8, 2021 by Maggie Dewane

Women of CPR Choose to Challenge

Change is a natural phenomenon, though it is often met with resistance and skepticism. Women, who are responsible for countless social, cultural, political, scientific, and economic achievements that have shaped the world, have stood in the face of such resistance, particularly when confronted with unequal opportunity and rights. 

International Women’s Day celebrates the changes made by women and calls for action to accelerate women’s equality. This year, International Women’s Day notes that a challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change

At the Center for Progressive Reform, the women on our staff “choose to challenge” existing norms so that we may create a just America that works for all people and our planet. Below, our women staff describe what motivates them to work for all Americans.

The women of CPR

Maggie Dewane, Digital Media Manager — My mother worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs for 35 years as a social worker to women veterans, who were and are often overlooked. I saw the difference she made and I wanted my life to be as impactful to those most vulnerable and voiceless. I'm most passionate about protecting the planet and creating a sustainable future in which all life may …

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More on CPR's Work & Scholars.
March 8, 2021

Women of CPR Choose to Challenge