April 9, 2020 by James Goodwin

New Paper from CPR Measures Polluter Capture of Trump EPA

UPDATE (4/29/20): CPR's Deregulation on Demand paper was recently cited and discussed in an amicus brief filed by Sens. Whitehouse, Merkley, Gillibrand, Schatz, and Markey supporting a case against the ACE rule (American Lung Association v. EPA). You can read the brief here.

Who does the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) work for? The answer would seem to be us, the American public, given that the statutes it is charged with implementing are focused first and foremost on protecting our health and the natural environment we all depend upon. The Trump administration, however, has transformed this critical protector agency into a powerful of tool of corporate polluters, one dedicated to fattening these industries’ already healthy bottom lines at the expense of the broader public interest.

The evidence of this brazen degree of corporate capture at the Trump EPA abounds. The upper echelons of the agency’s leadership are littered with former lobbyists and corporate officers once associated with the very businesses they are now supposed to be regulating. The EPA’s anti-safeguard agenda – already noteworthy for being one of the most aggressive in an administration that has made attacks on public protections a top priority – has been quite literally …

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April 9, 2020

New Paper from CPR Measures Polluter Capture of Trump EPA